A gold mine for contractors.
Connect with some of the largest landlords and secure high–value contracts through our vendor marketplace software’s built–in contractor marketplace.

We prove your skills so you don’t have to.
Clients already know they’re dealing with industry’s brightest, as our vendor marketplace software verifys your qualifications for powerful social proof.

Unlock growth
Use our vendor marketplace software to do away with time–consuming, unpredictable lead sourcing and focus on service delivery.
Thousands of exclusive jobs
Access a vast contractor marketplace of exclusive jobs from some of the country’s biggest landlords and housing providers.

Zero fees
Keep everything you make. We don’t take a Dime.
Access diverse opportunities.
Find jobs that suit you with multiple marketplaces offering unique opportunities.
Open Marketplace
Use Plentific’s industrial contractor software to connect with individual property managers and owners.
- Access flexible opportunities
- Work with individual clients
- Wide range of nationwide jobs

DPS Marketplace
Secure big contracts from reputable landlords with our industrial contractor solution.
- Exclusive access
- High–value contracts
- Work with prestigious clients

Ready to work smarter?
Connect with our team of experts, learn how Plentific can support your business and get a free walkthrough of our marketplace and platform.