Clear backlogs, address trade shortages and build a resilient supply chain
Save time, money and headaches when dealing with vendors through our simplified and vetted marketplace for contractors.
26%Resident satisfaction
40%Reduction in repairs backlog
22%Decrease in average repair cost
Find the right contractor for you
Plentific’s vendor marketplace brings you the best talent for every job, where professionals compete on price and quality to deliver outstanding results. Easily evaluate, select and collaborate with vendors of all kinds in our property management and maintenance software.
Quality assurance
Enjoy consistently great results and wow your tenants using our network of carefully vetted vendors who can be found in our marketplace for contractors.
Cost certainty
Choose your property maintenance contractors confidently based on our transparent ratings, reviews and performance metrics.
Rapid deployment
A nationwide network of Plentific-sourced contractors for speedy mobilisation
Flexible supply chain
Use our property management and maintenance software to streamline sourcing with our vast database of qualified vendors, where you can filter results based on location, rating and expertise.
Find the right contractor for you
Plentific’s vendor marketplace brings you the best talent for every job, where professionals compete on price and quality to deliver outstanding results. Easily evaluate, select and collaborate with vendors of all kinds in our property management and maintenance software.
Unlock efficiencies and clear those backlogs
Sourcing tailored to you
Select vendors that you can trust from a pre-vetted, highly qualified and diverse pool of talent.
Work order management made easy
Never have to call contractors and ask for updates about a work order. Plentific integrates with contractor systems for you, making it easy to track real-time progress and access our built-in reporting
Reduced admin overhead
Ensure transparency and compliance with service level agreements by monitoring vendor performance in our property management and maintenance software.
Contractor accountability
With fixed price ranges and service levels pre-agreed, enjoy transparent communication and cost certainty
Understand How Peabody Makes Responsive Repairs
“We went live with Plentific in December 2022, the first batch of 500 jobs went live on the Plentific platform on a Tuesday evening. Within 24 hours, all of those jobs had been quoted on, with the first job completed on site by Thursday.”