By integrating your SME Professional account with Plentific, you can experience an all-in-one property management solution and unlock features such as:
Automatically log property data (both tenant and landlord) in Plentific.
Automatically push the records for work orders, maintenance reports , and invoicesfrom Plentific to SME Professional.
Seamless synchronisation of active property data along with owner, landlord and resident records between Plentific, SME Professional, and TouchRight.
The integration will involve work orders and maintenance reports being automatically synced into the correct property file within SME Professional, whilst providing details of the work orders created within Plentific. This leads to your Property Managers and Accounts team having all the right information, without having to manually input any data. This means you can use Plentific to streamline your entire repairs and maintenance process, whilst everything you need is still viewable in SME Professional.